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The Mediterranean diet and its effect on your heart health

The Mediterranean diet has been studied extensively for its health benefits, particularly for its positive effects on heart health. Several studies have suggested that this diet can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce the amount of inflammation that…

Manage stress and protect your heart: the advantages of meditation

The relationship between chronic stress and heart disease has been well-established in scientific research. Experiencing stress for a long period of time can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and inflammation, which in turn increase your risk…

A guide to the various heart rhythm disorders

The heart pumps 4 to 5 litres of blood around the body per minute. Thereby giving our tissues and cells the nutrients they require to enable them to work. This action also has the effect of removing waste from our…

What is a stroke or cerebral infarct?

A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or a stroke is a medical condition where the blood circulation in the brain is suddenly disrupted. 17 million people worldwide suffer from a stroke each year, making it the second most common cause of death…

What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation or AF is the most common heart rhythm disorder and is defined by its irregular and often accelerated heart beat. Untreated atrial fibrillation increases the chance for certain serious disorders like stroke, heart failure, diabetes, dementia and hypertension.…

Why you should check your heart rhythm regularly

As opposed to your heart rate which varies constantly, your heart rhythm should stay regular throughout the day. An irregular rhythm of your heartbeat is what we call a heart rhythm disorder or arrhythmia. From the age of 40 you…

Why you should check your heart rhythm regularly

Your heart rhythm is an important parameter for your heart health. The rhythm of your heart differs from your heart rate. Your heart rate is the number of heartbeats per minute, whereas your heart rhythm tells you something more about…

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