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FibriCheck: Check your heart rhythm, prevent strokes

Find the plan that fits you and start your healthy FibriCheck habit today.

For more information on our FDA-clearance, click here.

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FibriCheck mockup

Activate your 3-day free trial

Get unlimited access to all FibriCheck features.
Receive a personal report after your free trial
All anomalous measurements are reviewed by our medical experts

Start your free trial

Choose the FibriCheck subscription
plan that fits you:


€ 6.99*

per month


Choose yearly payments and save 40% (€ 4.17* per month)

  • Unlimited number of measurements
  • Immediate and actionable results
  • Easy to share with your physician
  • Set reminders to measure
  • All anomalous measurements are reviewed by our medical experts
  • Detailed week reports

Optional: Send anomalous measurements to our panel of medical experts for review for € 9.99* per measurement.

Why choose Essential?

You never experienced any symptoms like palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue or dizziness before.

Your heart rhythm was always regular during the free trial.

You were not diagnosed with an arrhythmia before.


€ 24.99*

per month


Choose yearly payments and save 57% (€ 10.83* per month)

  • Unlimited number of measurements
  • Immediate and actionable results
  • Easy to share with your physician
  • Set reminders to measure
  • All anomalous measurements are reviewed by our medical experts
  • Detailed week reports

Why choose Premium?

You are experiencing symptoms like palpitations, dizziness, fatigue or shortness of breath.

During your free trial, your heart rhythm was irregular during one or more measurements.

You were diagnosed with an arrhythmia before. You want to use FibriCheck to follow-up on your condition and treatment.

* Note that exact prices can vary depending on your location, currency and exchange rates.

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