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Lees meer over de gezondheid van het hart, hartritmestoornissen en ontdek het laatste FibriCheck nieuws.

Clinical Trial Succesfully Screens More than 60,000 People for Atrial Fibrillation Using Only A Smartphone

A digital screening for atrial fibrillation successfully monitored more than 60,000 participants from the general population in Belgium. The study…

What is FibriCheck and how does it work?

The heart is an electromechanical muscular pump that, in a normal situation, has a rhythmic contraction when an electrical stimulus…

The FibriCheck guide to analyse PPG measurements

As you have read in the previous posts the PPG signal is basically the same principle as palpitating the pulse…

‘Smart’ solutions for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation?

FibriCheck Beat-to-Beat Accuracy Compared With Wearable ECG in Broad Dynamic Range

Objective: The goal of this document is to demonstrate the correlation between ECG derived heart beats and PPG derived heartbeats…

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