FibriCheck is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with Pfizer and AlTibbi, the leading digital health platform in the MENA region, by launching the first of its kind awareness campaign to detect atrial fibrillation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common heart rhythm disorder, increases the risk of a stroke fivefold. And with over 40% of people experiencing no symptoms at all, establishing a diagnosis can be particularly challenging because of atrial fibrillation’s fickle nature. FibriCheck will provide at-risk patients with their innovative digital solution through a strategic partnership with Pfizer and AlTibbi, the leading digital health platform in the MENA region.
“Statistically speaking, from the age of 40, people have no less than a 25% chance of developing a disorder like atrial fibrillation, and the risk only increases with age. This new awareness and case detection program will provide healthcare professionals some relief in knowing that people will no longer have to wait for serious problems to arise in order to identify existing risks in their lives,” explains Dr. Omar Al Falasi, Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at Rashid Hospital, Dubai.
Raising awareness around AF across the Gulf region
Following a successful integration path, FibriCheck and AlTibbi have created an integrated solution that unifies FibriCheck’s remote heart rhythm detection and monitoring capabilities with AlTibbi’s region-wide platform to not only detect disorders such as atrial fibrillation, but also to provide patients with the appropriate medical content and telehealth services they may need as a result.
The goal is not only to raise awareness around AF across the Gulf region and the risks that come with it, but also to reach 100.000 at-risk patients over the age of 55 with multiple risk factors and to invite them to measure their heart rhythm for 7 days. When FibriCheck detects atrial fibrillation, AlTibbi will facilitate booking an appointment with a cardiologist to establish a diagnosis via an ECG and if needed, provide the necessary care in order to prevent worse, e.g. a stroke.

Empowering people to take control of their health
Commenting on the benefits of this partnership, Lars Grieten, FibriCheck CEO, said, “The FibriCheck platform enables patients to take heart rhythm measurements via their smartphone. When rhythm irregularities or signs of atrial fibrillation are detected, FibriCheck provides these patients with the actionable data they need to seek timely medical attention and prevent serious complications, such as a stroke. We are excited by this innovative partnership and how it enables us to reach out to even more people who may benefit from access to our solution.”
The new partnership is a match for Pfizer as well, who continue to exert their best efforts to ensure that patients receive the help they need, and to empower them to take their health into their own hands. “We are pleased to be collaborating with FibriCheck and AlTibbi in designing a cohesive platform that we are confident will encourage patients to be more proactive with their health moving forward,” states Nadine Tarcha, Medical Director at Pfizer Gulf. “This project is a great representation of how Pfizer’s Global Digital Innovation Lab is supporting the adoption of novel technologies to enhance patient care around the world”.
Ayman Sharaiha, AlTibbi CoFounder & Chief Operating Officer adds: “Up until this point, AlTibbi has had the pleasure of enabling patients across the Arab region to access much needed telehealth services with one tap of a finger. We believe that integrating such a service paves the path for a new, more innovative healthcare landscape that enables patients to detect their existing risk factors and understand them before undergoing the often long and complicated processes associated with a hospital visit.”
Through this new integrated program, the partnership between the three companies aims to raise awareness around atrial fibrillation across the Gulf region while also providing 100,000 at-risk individuals access to the care they need, with plans to further launch in other Gulf Countries.
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Created on October 19th, 2022 at 07:33 am
Last updated on August 3rd, 2023 at 03:45 pm