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How do you treat atrial fibrillation?

Did our app detect abnormalities in your heart rhythm, indicating atrial fibrillation (AF)? Better make an appointment to see your cardiologist or GP to discuss these results. Because, even if it does not always affect you: atrial fibrillation will not…

A guide to the various heart rhythm disorders

The heart pumps 4 to 5 litres of blood around the body per minute. Thereby giving our tissues and cells the nutrients they require to enable them to work. This action also has the effect of removing waste from our…

Atrial fibrillation: what are the symptoms?

Atrial fibrillation – also known as auricular fibrillation, and usually abbreviated as AF - is one of the most commonly encountered heart rhythm disorders. But how do you know whether you have this heart rhythm disorder? What are the symptoms?…

Palpitations: what to do?

Are you having palpitations? For starters: you are not alone. Palpitations are very widespread. They are one of the main reasons why patients go to see their GP, cardiologist or end up at Accident & Emergency.1 But these medical checks…

Healthy ways to enjoy drinking alcohol

In parts 1 and 2 of this series, we delved deeper into alcohol consumption. It’s a fact that, because we enjoy life, we are masters of alcohol. It’s a fact that an occasional glass can have a positive impact on…

What alcohol does to your body – and your heart

Alcohol has been part of Western culture for centuries. And because we enjoy life, we like to keep up that tradition. After all, isn’t a daily glass of alcohol healthy for your heart? Or is any glass one too many?…

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