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Who are our expert reviewers?

At FibriCheck, we analyse your measurements by using a medically certified algorithm. This algorithm has been CE-certified and FDA-cleared, and is supervised by a team of medical experts to ensure that the results of your measurements always live up to…

How can you ask for a review?

The results provided by our application are created by an algorithm that has been validated clinically through numerous studies. On top of that, we are a medically certified app, meaning that we comply with the highest standards for accuracy and…

Easily find your way around your FibriCheck report

FibriCheck enables you to receive several reports on your measurements. Handy to keep a bird’s eye view of your heart rhythm, while also making it easy to share your results with your doctor, if necessary.

Living with atrial fibrillation: change your lifestyle

There is a mounting body of scientific evidence: our lifestyle can have impact on our health. Our lifestyle is the cause of a wide number of cardiovascular diseases. But is it also correlated with atrial fibrillation (AF) or auricular fibrillation,…

‘I’m tired’: harmless or is there more to it?

Struggling to get out of bed in the morning? Flop down in your seat of an evening, feeling absolutely shattered? You are not alone. A lot of people struggle with fatigue and often do not give the situation much thought.…

Don’t let stress affect your heart health

Stress has become part of everyday life for all of us. It is that bad that we have even come to accept stress as normal. But is it normal though? What exactly is stress? What does it do to our…

Alcohol and its effect on your body

Alcohol consumption is a deeply ingrained part of many social traditions and cultures around the world. From a glass of wine with dinner to a beer after work, alcohol is often seen as a way to relax or enjoy oneself.…

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